Wednesday, February 24, 2010

catching up on summer

well hello again peeps! shame of me since my last update was like .. zillion years ago >.<.. anyways i'm back in melbourne and i've got my PR approved! :):):) weeeee! now the hardest part comes when u need to actually start looking for jobs and it gets so depress when u receive tonnes and tonnes of rejects>.<.. well at least say goodbye to text books, pass years, lecture slides, tutorials, EXAMS, school holidays =( and etc, but say hello to waking up at 7a.m for work, 8a.m-5p.m work hours, boss wish is your command, PAYING TAX.. well, i guess thats when the transition happens. Neways, let me update u guys about summer holidays. YES, i was in lovely Malaysia with Family, Friends and Food. :D the onli thing that suck was the stupid weather.dun get it y i can't get use to the weather after staying 20 yrs in malaysia and spending onli 2 years in melb. Here's how summer holidays went for me: went to kl to meet up with frens, shopping, fraser hill getaway, rotting in ipoh most of the time, princess at home, eat sleep and do nothing, gathering, shopping:D, CNY in penang, and b4 u realized one month gone and back to melbourne =(. i was in kl with one of my very good old frennn since primary. ONG CAT MIAO! dun ask me where that name came from. she noes:)


Ong Cat Miao! one of my very old best frens!:)

we went to this toilet concept restaurant in sg wang..where the seats are toilet bowls, plates are shower tubs, bowls are mini toilet bowls.. hehe quite cute..but the food is jst so so..

she was the onli one who open the toilet bowl cover to take pic in the restaurant ..=.= hahaha

later we went to this place call " pepper lunch" in gardens for dinner. The dish might look reali simple but i can assure u its veri NICE~~ and plus its
here's how it works:

It comes in a sizzling plate and there's butter inside the rice.

Mix it! Add your favourite sauce

and.. TADA! its ready to be attack! YUMmmmmmm

Till then..didn't manage to take much pics as we were bc ShOPPINgggggggg :D
i'm gonna miss u gal! thank u for letting me crash ur place and spending time wif me despite having regular classes, i reali appreciate that :) have fun in scotland soon. and hopefully we'll meet THERE! :) <3